E aí, brother! São 4:20. Tá na hora de?? Fumar um!!! Relaxar e curtir a brisa… Fica de boa, a marijuana não faz mal… Larga de ser careta a maconha não é droga… Nunca vou viciar em maconha…
Há um caminho que ao homem parece direito, mas o fim dele conduz à morte…. (provérbios 14:12)
Возможности для этой универсальной настойки безграничны. Используйте её вместо других видов подсластителей, включив её в свои любимые сладкие и соленые блюда (подумайте: медовые овсяные кексы, шоколадный мусс из авокадо, смузи и многое другое), или просто добавьте сладкое жидкое золото в чашку чая.
I knew it was
That it was gonna come to me
And here they are
So you better choose carefully
'Cause they're capable of anything
Of anything and everything
Send them back to their countries
With help from the military
Now you see who is the enemy your enemy, your enemy
Taji Mustafa and Bilal Abdul Kareem discuss how charity - as generous and well-intended as it is - can never stop the bombs from falling and oppression from biting!