In the light of recent events, it seems likely that some will be searching the web for information about a new legal high, "roflcoptr" or methoxetamine. I feel a duty to help disseminate knowledge to potential first-time users about this drug. My hope is that this thread can be a first port of call for those who want to learn about this substance. I will briefly outline my main points below, then expand in detail.
Экономический кризис и безработица — основные причины, по мнению социологов, увлечения испанцев выращиванием конопли и изготовлением марихуаны в домашних условиях. Одновременно усиливаются требования ее легализации.
I am 39yo, 6-feet 3-inches tall and weigh 310lbs. I have never snorted any drug before trying 4-MEC today. I have not had alcohol or any other psychoactive substances in my system since december 2010.
Hi all this is my first post and first trip report on this forum, i am going to make this as accurate, honest and have as much information as possible
Methoxydine ; 4-MeO-PCP ; 4-methoxyphencyclidine
Methoxydine is a PCP derivative with a methoxy group in the para-position of the benzene ring. Its a psychedelic of the dissociative anaesthetic type.
Starting time of the experiment 17:55.
Белый белый, снег снег, кокс кокс, крек крек,
Сосо сосо, loco loco, Jim Beam, никотин
Red Bull Red Bull, гандж гандж, эй, дуй!
Гриби грибы, где мы?где мы?