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🔊 Hizb ut-Tahrir Activist: The West Established Israel to Distract Muslims from Rebuilding a Caliphate

On May 20, 2023, a Chicago-based Islamic charity called Islamic Oasis posted to its YouTube channel a panel titled “The Nakba Continues.” The panel was attended by Jordanian-American Hizb ut-Tahrir activist Dr. Mohammad Malkwai (also known as “Abu Talha”) and by Dr. Abdul Waheed, the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, and it was moderated by Islamic Oasis’s president, activist Muhammad Shirazi.

In the panel, Dr. Malkawi said that Israel was established by the colonial Western powers as a “weapon” in order to distract the Muslims from re-establishing the Caliphate and becoming a threat to them. He said that “so-called genocides” and the Holocaust were “carefully designed” to “scare the hell” out of Jews in Europe so that they would flee to Israel, which he predicted will become a “graveyard” for them. Dr. Abdul Waheed said that once the Caliphate is established, the “cowardly” Jews will flee quickly.

The MEMRI Lantos Project exposes anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the Middle East region and Middle Eastern communities in the West with the aim of supporting legislation and educating media and the general public.


Теги: религия, видео, english, исламская грязь

Следующая аудиозапись: 🔊 HTCon Closing Remarks (2023 Khilafah Conference)
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